The Onion
Onions as we know some kind of vegetable vegetables
Pungent and Foul smell
It is one of the most popular vegetables all over the world.
For use in food and even in the popular treatment
and onions have a lot of sorts.
These are red, white and yellow onions.
and Onion alo'lo'i
and onions knew I had a lot of people to Altdaoi.
Through the ages
The onion contains proteins, fibers, vitamins, and others.
And why the eye tears when you cut onions and you
When you cut onions, you're causing the death of cells.
In the onion and the launch of a gaseous substance in the eye
It interacts with the water on the eye.
Shedding tears to resist this gaseous substance.
Onion Benefits
1-protect from blood pressure disease
2-protect the risk of cardiac arrest and Alnobelt
That's because of vitamin B6 in the onion.
3. Addresses a lot of cold problems such as colds, intestinal colds and infections to contain vitamin A (a B)
4_ also helps onion digestion to contain it on carbohydrates that help digestion and the growth of good bacteria for the intestine
5_ is a strong prevention of cancer where onions are considered to be the most resistant vegetable, where cancer is eliminated.
6_ benefit to poetry where it uses onion juice that strengthens hair follicles.
The scalp is shown and intensified and handles falling
Poetry and as the experiences of some people show that some people blend it with honey and oil to make hair mixes
7_ also helps onions in internal problems such as constipation and swelling.
8_ Although the onion causes tears to the eye, it is in Hzahvaedh where the onion is useful to the eye in improving the eye, strengthens the network in rem, handles inflammation and eye-, and onion is an eye cleanser.
9_ The onion is a diuretic and onion juice for urinary tract treatments.
10_ to treat the ear where it is used to relieve the mother and treat serious ear infections where a lot of people follow.
Ways and mixtures for ear treatment where they take a small piece of onions and put in ear for a whole night.
And this is the most common way in people